Doctorate Degree Programs

Doctorate Degree Programs at Ray

At Ray University, you can earn your doctorate degree from any of the 11 schools of study. Our diverse range of programs, developed by industry leaders and learned scholars, help you learn the various aspects of your respective field.

Earning your doctoral degree while you work is a challenging task, especially if you have a full-time job or other personal obligation. However, with our excellent online learning platform and matchless student support, this is no longer a challenge. Once you have completed degree, you will be ready to face real-life challenges effectively.

Find below the two distinct accredited degrees that we offer under the Doctorate Degree Program:

Doctorate Degree Program (Applied)

Doctorate Degree Program offered by Ray allows students to excel in life with in-depth knowledge of chosen academic field. Through our doctoral program you can polish your leadership skills and further grow in your respective field.

Doctorate Degree Program (Research)

Our research-based doctorate degree programs hone your scholarly skills, allowing you to contribute to your field of interest through a meaningful theoretical and practical research. Our doctoral programs are meant for those wishing to make a notable contribution in their community.

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