Associate's Degree Programs

Associate Degree Programs at Ray

Pursue your Associate's Degree from any of our professional schools. We offer affordable yet quality Associate's Degree Programs in 16 schools of study. With our self-paced online education system you should be able to finish your program in a year or less. To help you further, our student consultants will always be just a call away to guide you through every step from enrollment to graduation.

Find below the three distinct degrees that we offer under the Associate's Degree Program:

Associate of Arts Degree

Our Associate of Arts Degree program is offered in a convenient online platform. This is the most basic degree program being offered at the university. Once you enroll, you will be assigned a dedicated student consultant who will be with you every step of the way, from classroom activation to graduation.

Associate's Degree from Any Professional School

Our Associate's Degree from any professional school offers courses from any of the professional schools in addition to the basic courses required to complete an Associate's Degree.

Associate's Degree with Specialization from Any Professional School

Our Associate's Degree with specialization from any professional school offers specialization in a particular school in addition to the courses from any of the professional schools and the basic courses required to complete an Associate's Degree.

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